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The Federation of European Independent Financial Advisers

Question: Can you offer me any tips in choosing a financial adviser?
When you move to France, you are moving to a country with many different laws and rules to the one you are leaving and this is unlikely to change in the future, so choosing a financial partner which is right for you is very important for your financial peace of mind.

Here are several things I would suggest expatriates consider when looking for a Financial Adviser:

Is the Company regulated in France?
With nothing yet becoming clear on how the UK will be trading with France after Brexit, using a company which is based and regulated in France reduces any need for a sudden change, should regulations change, post Brexit.

Is my adviser able to sit down with me and review my finances on regular basis?
Your Financial Adviser is not just someone to see once and then forget about. As your needs and circumstances change and with different investments growing at varying rates, being able to sit down and review your situation regularly is very important.

What are the costs involved for any appointments, reports or ongoing support?
It is important to know what costs will be involved throughout the life of any arrangement with your Financial Adviser.

How does my adviser get remunerated?
A clear understanding of how your adviser gets paid and a client charter outlining how the relationship is set up helps clarity and ensures you have no surprises down the line.

Can your Adviser offer any references from existing clients?
Being able to speak to existing customers is a great way to measure a Financial Adviser. You can hear first hand, how the process and relationship has worked for someone in the same boat as you.

Does the company own, or do its Directors/Partners have financial interests in the investments being offered, or are they truly independent?
You should be comfortable that your Adviser is not promoting any “own brand products”, without making this clear to you in advance of any commitment. If the company does have its own products be sure that you can view performance, move to another product or change Adviser without additional penalties.

Can I work with this person?
Your Financial Adviser is someone you need to be able to work with. You will likely see them on a regular basis and be comfortable speaking about your future with. In life we sometimes meet people we just cannot seem to warm to, so do not be afraid to seek alternative advice if you find yourself in this scenario. 

​​​​​​​​​The above article was kindly provided by Amanda Johnson from The Spectrum IFA Group​ and originally posted at: ​​​​​​​​​​​