Below is a repository of information around regulatory matters concerning BREXIT.
MAY 2021
The future of financial regulation in the UK (10/05/21)
MARCH 2021
UK and EU conclude MoU discussions (31/03/21)
Brexit: FCA publishes updated guidance on the UK’s Temporary Permissions Regime (09/03/21)
10 EU countries: insurance sector post Brexit (01/03/21)
Ireland: update on insurance run-off regime (11/02/21)
Italy: limitations for UK banks and investments companies (Feb 2021)
Post-Brexit access regimes in key EEA member states (Feb 2021)
Brexit and Financial Services: 2021 update (04/02/21)
Beyond Brexit – what now for insurers’ legacy business? (28/01/21)
CSSF: UK deemed equivalent for the purpose of the national third-country regime under MiFIR (28/01/21)
Beyond Brexit – a moneycorp guide (Jan 2021)
ESMA warns about use of reverse solicitation (14/01/21)
Belgium: transitional measures for insurance intermediaries and undertakings (14/01/21)
Ireland: life and non-life insurance run-off details (12/01/21)
Germany: BaFin publishes General Administrative Act regarding the business of UK insurance undertakings in Germany after 31 December 2020 (12/01/21)
France publishes rules for managing run-off of insurance and reinsurance contracts impacted by Brexit (12/01/21)
UK-EU financial services negotiations target March 2021 deadline (11/01/21)
Brexit: Italian measures for UK insurers after the end of the transition period (04/01/21)
The EU/UK Trade Agreement: 5 myths busted (31/12/20)
The UK/EU free trade agreement: 10 points for financial services firms (29/12/20)
Financial services regulation under the UK-EU Brexit deal (28/12/20)
Brexit: Portugal – Temporary Permission Regime (28/12/20)
Brexit agreement (25/12/20)
EIOPA Brexit Consumer Guide (18/12/20)
Brexit: UK Temporary Permission Regime for EEA Firms (30/11/20)
UK insurance intermediaries after Brexit: entry to the EU market by establishing a company in Lithuania (18/11/20)
United Kingdom: FCA consults on its approach to authorising international firms (15/11/20)
HM Treasury Announced Equivalence Decisions for EEA and EU Member States (13/11/20)
Please note that FEIFA cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies or other information which may be accessed directly from the websites accessed via the above hypertext links.