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The Federation of European Independent Financial Advisers
new image for q2 masterclasses presentations


Below are details of the presentations for the Seminars and Webinars.


30th October 2024 - FEIFA Masterclass Seminar, Prague (Czech Republic)

Presenting companies (listed alphabetically):


The sustainability identity crisis

It is not that long ago – November 2021 – when world leaders were jostling to be pictured with celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio, Stella McCartney or Emma Watson at the much-vaunted COP26 climate conference in Glasgow. Joe Biden (US), Fumio Kishida (Japan), Scott Morrison (Australia) and Narendra Modi (India) were among 120 heads of state and government who flew in to be hosted by Boris Johnson and help set the global sustainability agenda for this decade and beyond. Back then, it was hip to be green and being an attendee at the events in Glasgow was the political equivalent of the fashion week front row.

Three years later, the ‘sustainability’ mood music has changed with politicians and campaigners finding themselves caught in the crosshairs of a mounting public backlash to the topic. Based on conversations with investors, the fund management community and policy makers, it is apparent sustainable finance finds itself facing an identity crisis.

The Affinity team will provide a deeper insight to these issues and explain how they believe a refocus on themes, levers and data (including the use of AI) can enable investors to capture attractive returns. They will use real-world examples to illustrate the extraordinary progress being made by the corporate sector as it collectively shifts towards decarbonisation and continues to create the building blocks towards a circular global economy.


The history of Structured Products

Structured Products have changed a great deal over the years and are among the fastest-growing advice instruments of the modern era. You will discover that they are anything but a short lived, modernistic invention and these types of “investments” have origins that date back to way before our times. Despite their longevity, and the progress made in more recent times, preconceptions still exist, and we feel it is high time these are challenged.

We aim to deliver a better understanding on their history, demonstrate greater transparency, highlight the stronger regulatory environment and evidence fair price to value.

Along with better investor and adviser education, structured products should play a greater role in the wealth management of the future and continue to meet the high demands and expectations of your clients.


Just one more byte…how the rise of the ‘big tech’ is transforming global markets

Over the last 10 years, the composition of global stock markets has changed dramatically. In 2014, the financial sector accounted for the biggest proportion of equity markets. Since then, the technology sector has grown exponentially, powered by the rise of the tech heavy-weights and the demand for artificial intelligence.

This presentation will explore the evolution of world equity markets, the implications of increasing stock market concentration and how these energy hungry AI machines are shaping the investment opportunity set.


Enlightening client conversations

Not everything needs to be about asset management infrastructure, model portfolios and market updates. We recognise that providing advisers with insightful materials to aid in their client conversations helps to deliver positive outcomes for everyone. PAM is excited to share with you an education series to help enlighten client conversations by demystifying financial jargon, thus simplifying discussing topics such as timing the market, volatility, diversification, inflation and beyond.

Registration will open at 09:30am with tea and coffee available. The presentations will run from 10:00am to approximately 1:00pm, followed by a complimentary lunch.

20th November 2024 - FEIFA/CIFSA Masterclass Seminar, Limassol (Cyprus)

Presenting companies (listed alphabetically):


The sustainability identity crisis

It is not that long ago – November 2021 – when world leaders were jostling to be pictured with celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio, Stella McCartney or Emma Watson at the much-vaunted COP26 climate conference in Glasgow. Joe Biden (US), Fumio Kishida (Japan), Scott Morrison (Australia) and Narendra Modi (India) were among 120 heads of state and government who flew in to be hosted by Boris Johnson and help set the global sustainability agenda for this decade and beyond. Back then, it was hip to be green and being an attendee at the events in Glasgow was the political equivalent of the fashion week front row.

Three years later, the ‘sustainability’ mood music has changed with politicians and campaigners finding themselves caught in the crosshairs of a mounting public backlash to the topic. Based on conversations with investors, the fund management community and policy makers, it is apparent sustainable finance finds itself facing an identity crisis.

The Affinity team will provide a deeper insight to these issues and explain how they believe a refocus on themes, levers and data (including the use of AI) can enable investors to capture attractive returns. They will use real-world examples to illustrate the extraordinary progress being made by the corporate sector as it collectively shifts towards decarbonisation and continues to create the building blocks towards a circular global economy.


The history of Structured Products

Structured Products have changed a great deal over the years and are among the fastest-growing advice instruments of the modern era. You will discover that they are anything but a short lived, modernistic invention and these types of “investments” have origins that date back to way before our times. Despite their longevity, and the progress made in more recent times, preconceptions still exist, and we feel it is high time these are challenged.

We aim to deliver a better understanding on their history, demonstrate greater transparency, highlight the stronger regulatory environment and evidence fair price to value.

Along with better investor and adviser education, structured products should play a greater role in the wealth management of the future and continue to meet the high demands and expectations of your clients.


Just one more byte…how the rise of the ‘big tech’ is transforming global markets

Over the last 10 years, the composition of global stock markets has changed dramatically. In 2014, the financial sector accounted for the biggest proportion of equity markets. Since then, the technology sector has grown exponentially, powered by the rise of the tech heavy-weights and the demand for artificial intelligence.

This presentation will explore the evolution of world equity markets, the implications of increasing stock market concentration and how these energy hungry AI machines are shaping the investment opportunity set.


Enlightening client conversations

Not everything needs to be about asset management infrastructure, model portfolios and market updates. We recognise that providing advisers with insightful materials to aid in their client conversations helps to deliver positive outcomes for everyone. PAM is excited to share with you an education series to help enlighten client conversations by demystifying financial jargon, thus simplifying discussing topics such as timing the market, volatility, diversification, inflation and beyond.


Girls just want to have funds

There are notable differences between how women and men think about investing – if we as advisers want to increase our involvement in the growing market segment of female investors, what do we need to understand and what are the issues we need to think about addressing?

The presentation will explore this topic and look to arrive at some ideas or even conclusions.

Registration will open at 09:30am with tea and coffee available. The presentations will run from 10:00am to approximately 1:00pm, followed by a complimentary lunch. Then, from 2:00pm, there will be further sessions, arranged by CIFSA, which will be highly focused on specific issues for Cyprus-based advisers. The presentations will finish at approximately 5:00pm.

27th November 2024 - FEIFA Masterclass Seminar, Marbella (Spain)

Presenting companies (listed alphabetically):


The sustainability identity crisis

It is not that long ago – November 2021 – when world leaders were jostling to be pictured with celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio, Stella McCartney or Emma Watson at the much-vaunted COP26 climate conference in Glasgow. Joe Biden (US), Fumio Kishida (Japan), Scott Morrison (Australia) and Narendra Modi (India) were among 120 heads of state and government who flew in to be hosted by Boris Johnson and help set the global sustainability agenda for this decade and beyond. Back then, it was hip to be green and being an attendee at the events in Glasgow was the political equivalent of the fashion week front row.

Three years later, the ‘sustainability’ mood music has changed with politicians and campaigners finding themselves caught in the crosshairs of a mounting public backlash to the topic. Based on conversations with investors, the fund management community and policy makers, it is apparent sustainable finance finds itself facing an identity crisis.

The Affinity team will provide a deeper insight to these issues and explain how they believe a refocus on themes, levers and data (including the use of AI) can enable investors to capture attractive returns. They will use real-world examples to illustrate the extraordinary progress being made by the corporate sector as it collectively shifts towards decarbonisation and continues to create the building blocks towards a circular global economy.


The history of Structured Products

Structured Products have changed a great deal over the years and are among the fastest-growing advice instruments of the modern era. You will discover that they are anything but a short lived, modernistic invention and these types of “investments” have origins that date back to way before our times. Despite their longevity, and the progress made in more recent times, preconceptions still exist, and we feel it is high time these are challenged.

We aim to deliver a better understanding on their history, demonstrate greater transparency, highlight the stronger regulatory environment and evidence fair price to value.

Along with better investor and adviser education, structured products should play a greater role in the wealth management of the future and continue to meet the high demands and expectations of your clients.


Just one more byte…how the rise of the ‘big tech’ is transforming global markets

Over the last 10 years, the composition of global stock markets has changed dramatically. In 2014, the financial sector accounted for the biggest proportion of equity markets. Since then, the technology sector has grown exponentially, powered by the rise of the tech heavy-weights and the demand for artificial intelligence.

This presentation will explore the evolution of world equity markets, the implications of increasing stock market concentration and how these energy hungry AI machines are shaping the investment opportunity set.


Enlightening client conversations

Not everything needs to be about asset management infrastructure, model portfolios and market updates. We recognise that providing advisers with insightful materials to aid in their client conversations helps to deliver positive outcomes for everyone. PAM is excited to share with you an education series to help enlighten client conversations by demystifying financial jargon, thus simplifying discussing topics such as timing the market, volatility, diversification, inflation and beyond.


Girls just want to have funds

There are notable differences between how women and men think about investing – if we as advisers want to increase our involvement in the growing market segment of female investors, what do we need to understand and what are the issues we need to think about addressing?

The presentation will explore this topic and look to arrive at some ideas or even conclusions.

Registration will open at 09:30am with tea and coffee available. The presentations will run from 10:00am to approximately 1:00pm, followed by a complimentary lunch.


6th November 2024 - FEIFA Webinar 1

Details TBA

The session will run from 10:00am to 11:30am.

13th November 2024 - FEIFA Webinar 2

Details TBA

The session will run from 10:00am to 11:30am.