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The Federation of European Independent Financial Advisers

With over nine million US expats around the world, it is no wonder that most financial advisors would like to tap into this marketplace. Complexities with 1099 reporting, FBARs, PFICs and licensing has prevented many from being able to do so. A new solution gives advisors the ability to offer their clients a product that avoids some of the problems caused by non-US investments and the headache of not getting IRS compliant tax documents.

A new partnership between Praemium Ltd and Dunhill Financial, a FEIFA Partner and Member respectively, provides new investment models that are built solely with US investments. This helps avoid the cumbersome and expensive (in fees and taxes) reporting of PFICs and gives the client an easy means to complete their US taxes by receiving a 1099 report on all of their investments.

With Dunhill Financial’s models having a minimum investment of only 25,000 Euros, doors can be opened to an under-advised segment of the investment market. Starting off with three models (moderate, moderate growth and growth), Dunhill Financial plans to expand towards putting seven models and multiple currencies on the platform in the future. All of these models have a more Euro-centric allocation which helps to hedge against currency risk. This is crucial for American Expats that plan to retire in Europe, as it will reduce currency risk through natural hedging.

Dunhill Financial is an American expat financial advisory firm that is regulated by the SEC and has been approved to offer its investment advisory services to the US and Europe. The firm was founded in 2011 in Brussels and has built a solid knowledge of the different aspects of financial planning that present themselves to American Expats. To learn more about American Expats and how they can put together their financial plan, please see the American Expat Financial Guide.


​​​​​​​​The above article was kindly provided by Dunhill Financial – ​​​​​​​​​​​

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