We will be utilising the ZOOM platform to host all of the various online events and you will receive access/login details prior to the start of each event for which you have registered.
Access Details
For the webinars, you will receive access and login details, by email, 24 hours before the webinar is due to commence – and a reminder email 1 hour before each webinar. These emails will be automatically sent from Zoom.
For the webinars, and in keeping with standard practice, your audio and video will be deliberately disabled to avoid any background noise and issues that could detract from the presentations. There is a Q&A facility where you can easily type in and submit any questions. This will be further explained at the beginning of each event.
For the Drinks Receptions/Networking events we would expect everyone to have a webcam and microphone set up and ready for the event. You are welcome to turn it on and off as you please, although leaving it on will help to create a stronger connection between you and the other attendees.
If you have any issues getting access or during the event, help will be on hand in the live chat facility, to provide any support required. Please use the live chat feature within Zoom to communicate your message.